Tallinn Chamber Choir was founded in 1962 as an experimental choir with the aim of performing new works by Estonian composers. 

Today, the choir consists of over 30 hobby singers driven by a passion for performing high-level choral music, thus continuing the legacy of the Tallinn Chamber Choir. 

 Our next performances:

22nd March at 18:00
in Tallinn Methodist Church 

John Rutter REQUIEM

Tallinn Chamber Choir
Mixed Choir Cantus

Soloist: Mariliis Lahesalu
Organ: Ene Salumäe

Ensemble: Mari-Liis Vind, Kristjan Saar, Saale Kivimaker, Ingely Laiv-Järvi, Teodor Hirvoja, Gertrud Leopard

Conductors: Martin Trudnikov and Heli Jürgenson.

Ticket: €10 / Discounted ticket: €5

Tickets available at Piletikeskus and in cash at the venue.